
Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Keep affect sperm quality in Mobile Pocket pants?

Keep affect sperm quality in Mobile Pocket pants? 
Habit hold the phone in your pocket can affect sperm quality. This was revealed by a group of researchers from the University of Exeter.According to the research team led by Dr.. Fiona Mathews, electromagnetic radiation can sperm motility and sperm viability to 8 percent. This finding was obtained by Mathews and colleagues examined 10 studies with 1,492 men."The study suggests that exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation of mobile phone in your pocket adversely affect sperm quality," said Dr.. Mathews as the Daily Mail reports page.Note affects sperm quality in three different ways. First, viability or how healthy sperm. Second, the sperm motility, or the ability to move the egg. Third, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate.Most men have 50 to 85 percent of sperm with normal movement. However, this figure dropped an average 8 percent when exposure of the phone.The study, published in the journal Environment International was released, also found a similar effect on sperm viability. Researchers also warned that the gadget with combined radiation from Wi-Fi and other technologies could reduce the birth rate worldwide.According to researchers, through better understanding of the collective influence of environmental factors on sperm quality and fertility can help, care and support for patients who are experiencing problems with fertility.But when the researchers concluded that further studies are needed to arrive at a conclusion. The same also by a leading fertility expert from Sheffield University, Dr Allan Pacey expressed. He revealed that the study is still very limited."We need some epidemiological studies are well designed," Pacey said.

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