
Selasa, 10 Juni 2014

Turns on Music Positive for the heart

Turns on Music Positive for the heart
The research team from Italy by Dr. Luciano Bernardi find music performed for the heart health benefits. It is said that the average heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate can vary the music. The faster the beat of the music, the faster the work of the three systems of the body. Conversely, the body will slow down the pace of work various systems when the slow rhythmic music to listen to.

Breathing rate. The people who used to listen to music, has an average breathing rate and heart rate that is slower and quieter than the group that did not listen to music. The body is also able to respond to the first group and to synchronize itself to the changing rhythm and rhythm. In addition to trained to relax in response to the silent pause. As a result, the body and the heart gets a chance to rest.

Keep affect sperm quality in Mobile Pocket pants?

Keep affect sperm quality in Mobile Pocket pants? 
Habit hold the phone in your pocket can affect sperm quality. This was revealed by a group of researchers from the University of Exeter.According to the research team led by Dr.. Fiona Mathews, electromagnetic radiation can sperm motility and sperm viability to 8 percent. This finding was obtained by Mathews and colleagues examined 10 studies with 1,492 men."The study suggests that exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic radiation of mobile phone in your pocket adversely affect sperm quality," said Dr.. Mathews as the Daily Mail reports page.Note affects sperm quality in three different ways. First, viability or how healthy sperm. Second, the sperm motility, or the ability to move the egg. Third, the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate.Most men have 50 to 85 percent of sperm with normal movement. However, this figure dropped an average 8 percent when exposure of the phone.The study, published in the journal Environment International was released, also found a similar effect on sperm viability. Researchers also warned that the gadget with combined radiation from Wi-Fi and other technologies could reduce the birth rate worldwide.According to researchers, through better understanding of the collective influence of environmental factors on sperm quality and fertility can help, care and support for patients who are experiencing problems with fertility.But when the researchers concluded that further studies are needed to arrive at a conclusion. The same also by a leading fertility expert from Sheffield University, Dr Allan Pacey expressed. He revealed that the study is still very limited."We need some epidemiological studies are well designed," Pacey said.

Know the causes of conjunctivitis Eye Clinic

Know the causes of conjunctivitis Eye Clinic
Eye is one of the five senses is sensitive. Air and bad neighborhoods can make red eyes and infections. In medical terms, and a red-eye infection called conjunctivitis.
The condition occurs when a membrane that covers the white of the eye and eyelids. It is very commonly experienced by children and adults. Conjunctivitis is a contagious eye disease.
Conjunctivitis can was sharing with others, a pillow, shaking hands, or touching the hands to the condition of the goods can not be transferred cleaned. However, it is not transmitted through eye contact.
There are three reasons for konjungktivitis. Here is an explanation dr. Ladis Ta Nora, SPM:
The virus is the most common cause of konjungktivitis. Symptoms, said Ladis, is red eye.
The bacteria usually come from the environment. Signs you're struck with bacterial conjunctivitis through the eyes, distribute remove dirt on the eyelashes. Consequently, sticky eyelids, especially in the morning.
Conjunctivitis caused by fungi is a rare thing. The fungus is usually present due to a decrease in stamina

ADVICE: Wake Up With Shocked What danger

There are some cases, sleep instantly by snapped awakened shocked by the way. It makes the body feel uncomfortable. Chest palpitations, also accompanied by headache.

Nadja, 21 years old, experienced. sHe was worried, waking up startled manner which may cause symptoms of heart disease. Is it true the way it can be harmful for the body?

Consider the following Viva Life readers consultation with dr. Rahajeng A. P.


I have awakened from sleep shocked by the way. I immediately sat down and stood up. But after that I went into a cold sweat and my heart was racing. I shortness of breath, dizzy head. Like new condition, it lost 30 minutes after I calm the body.

It happens to me often, what is it? Awaken a person from sleep with a shocking, if could be dangerous, or in people with certain heart disease only occurs?

Thanks for the reply and explanation.

Nadya, 21 years


According to medical references, there is no particular danger when you wake up a sleeping person in a way shocked. Sense of comes knocking, that due to the effects of the circadian rhythm (rhythm that occurs physiologically in the brain or body clock) is might be surprised interrupted.

It is surprising only in one way, in fact, create discomfort and cause a feeling of palpitations, dizziness sometimes accompanied by awakened. From your story, it did not lead certain heart diseases. Patients with heart problems are the symptoms of chest pain, tightness, heavy chest and palpitations.

Can be useful.

Doctor Rahajeng A. P.

Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

3 Activitie3 Activities In The Morning, we'll Lose Weight

3 Activities In The Morning, we'll Lose Weight

Want to successfully lose weight and feel more energetic in the morning? You certainly can! Of course there are ways and tricks of its own. No need to get out a lot of money to buy weight loss products let alone torture yourself with a strict diet. There are at least three activities that can help facilitate the body's metabolic system that can help us to lose weight and feel more refreshed in the morning.

1. Take Time for Sports in the Morning
Research has proven that people who exercise in the morning can burn more calories than any other sport in the future. If you have been lazy to get up early, make this as your new spirit. There's more good news, sport intense in 2.5 minutes in the morning can help our body to burn more calories throughout the day.

2. Do not Forget Breakfast
No matter how busy you are, do not forget to have breakfast. The breakfast in the morning will make your body's metabolic system of the body is well preserved. Eating in the morning will make your body burn calories more easily. Some menus include healthy breakfast of yogurt, fruit salad, and muffins.

3. Snacking Several Hours After Breakfast
Between the hours of breakfast and lunch, it's good for snacking or eating snacks. But instead of containing too much sugar. Fibrous sweet fruit like pears and apples are very suitable to be used as a snack after breakfast and before lunch.

Islam In Your Family

Islam In Your Family

When you are confused to find references of duty as a wife and also in the search for his rights as a human being, not one that takes a reference from the spiritual side is not it? Precisely is the religion of Islam. Actually how Islam set in married life?

One described in the book of Islam Qurotul ' Uyun, which means Manners Intercourse, that it would be nice if when having sex naked. Husband should tell her to take off all her clothes. It would be better if the husband was the one who took off her clothes .

However, it does not mean that intercourse is performed without any cover at all. It is suggested to cover the entire body with a blanket. Because there Rasulallah SAW hadith , said : "When you engage in sexual intercourse with Your wife, then do not bare as bare himar (animal)" .

As a perfect man, according to the teachings of Islam, it is forbidden to behave like animals. It is also associated with higher degrees of human beings than any other.

Another thing that should be noticed when having sex, according to Islam, is to not be too hasty to do it. That is, do foreplay long enough so that the orgasm will not be quickly obtained. It also deals with the final result later when it was cradling a baby.

Such as that related by the Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith : If someone of you have intercourse with his wife then he must not stop His Sex it so that your wife also has finished venting her business (or reach orgasm satisfaction) as you also want the release your orgasm (lust or achieve satisfaction). (Hr Ibnu Addi).

Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Kegel exercises Anytime

Kegel exercises Anytime

Instead of wasting time waiting, why not do the Kegel exercises?
Lisa Masterson, an ob-gyn at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, said "Kegel exercises will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the clitoris and Miss Cheerful. In effect, your libido will quickly accelerated. "So, anytime is the right time to do Kegel exercises? Anytime! Here's our idea!

red traffict light
In a traffic jam or when your path is blocked red light. Instead you play a mobile phone, steal time to do Kegel. Once the lights traffic signs change color, you can return to continue the journey.

in the Elevator
With a standing position, this exercise can also be done while you're in the elevator.

Well, when the queue was very long, fun not to use it by practicing Kegel.

When Brushing Teeth
While you are working with a hand toothbrush, let Miss Cheerful also work. Yes to multitasking!

When Computer Turned Waiting
Already sit at the desk, trying to do Kegel used when the computer is turned on you in the process.

How to Easily Create a Passionate Woman Through Food

How to Easily Create a Passionate Woman Through Food

Passionate man need not elaborate effort to be blown up , but on the contrary , women need to passionately intense stimulus . Really? Oh forget all that hassle ! Many easy ways to make you and all women in the world is excited by means of Cosmo . Yup , through food !

The red contains arginine . In other words , while you enjoy a slice of fresh watermelon in a number of quite a lot , the effect will be similar to the libido -enhancing drug ! The content of citrulline can trigger production of a compound that helps relax blood vessels . This magical substance that will react with the enzymes of the body and converted into arginine , an amino acid that nourish the heart , blood circulation system , and immune system.

A Grande Latte
After measuring the level of single women arousal when looking at various pictures of men kissing different scents , it turns out researchers at the International Laboratory MindLab in Sussex finding : The rate that is considered the highest attractiveness for women when the scent of aftershave , followed in second place with a new coffee powder brewed . Wow ! That is just fragrant coffee alone , dear ! A cup of coffee after your romantic dinner will increase the energy and desire to make love too , you know.

Sweat Tease
When looking at the him sweats after exercise and the body began to smell exuded a natural , you will definitely feel the tingling all over. In fact , if you admit it was definitely happy wearing a regular shirt he was wearing ( although oversized ) , in your body .

Spicy Food
Spicy foods are typically composed of chili and turmeric can make your libido rise . This is due to the component of capsicum in it works as a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow all that matters. Even for him , red chili powder can make erection longer , stronger ejaculation , and orgasm intensified .

Beauty Rituals from Around the World

Beauty Rituals from Around the World

In Indonesia, you certainly know the beauty treatments using herbs typical of the archipelago. Apparently, women in other parts of the world also have special rituals to keep her beauty know.

The women in the French very fond of decorating nails with colorful nail polish. They also have a way to remove the nail polish scars. Lemon juice into a secret to keep the nails remain untreated despite the frequently changing nail polish. The trick, mix fresh lemon juice with warm water and soak your nails for a few minutes. As a result, your nails will be beautiful again.

Living in coastal areas makes Brazilian women are often exposed to sunlight. To eliminate the effect of their skin sunburn, Brazilian women using oatmeal. Interestingly, oatmeal is usually made from wheat is dissolved into a tub of warm water which is then used to soak.

Want to have shiny hair like the women of Greece? Of course you can try the hereditary ritual of them, dear. In Greece, they rinse the hair with rosemary water to get shiny hair. The trick, boiled fresh roses in water, leave to cool then clean to the entire surface of your hair. Not only make hair more shiny, rosemary water is also beneficial to nourish hair, gray hair growth delay, and eliminates dandruff.

Has it ever crossed your mind to bathe using sake? Maybe you should try it from now on because this is the secret of Japanese women glowing skin. The trick, add three to four cups of sake into your bath and soak survived.

Have you ever wondered why Chinese women look younger than their actual age? It turns out that it is the properties of water were always rice they use to wash your face. Antioxidant content in rice is what serves to remove dead skin cells and can prevent premature aging of your skin you know. How ladies, are you ready to try a variety of beauty rituals of these women?

It’s Okay to be Single this Holiday

It’s Okay to be Single this Holiday

Do not let it become a barrier to the single status enjoy the holiday, because many things will be more interesting to do when you "own" you know.

Pamper Yourself
Currently have a partner, you often do not realize that you are not giving enough time for yourself. Take this opportunity to enjoy life with a vacation, or just being alone on the beach. The choice is yours!

Quality Time with The Girls
How long have you had a vacation with friends because I was busy with a lover? Now the right time to spend time with them. Enjoy your togetherness that had been missing.

Hunting Hot Guys
During a vacation with the girls, always turn on the "radar" to find sexy men. Remember to always perform optimally in every opportunity, because you never know when Mr. Right will show up!

Influence of Women Against Male Perspective

Influence of Women Against Male Perspective

Every time in the house, the man rarely willing to do homework. Is It True? Eits, do not rush to blame the attitude.
An academic study at Stanford Business School and Loyola Marymount University, said that women have a major influence on the male perspective. This is associated with how many women in the family members. The existence of women around the family to make him think that all the work can be done by women. Especially if the woman he had a brother who can usually called upon to do so.
Perception is also borne men in the workplace. Based on research at the University of Maryland, a leader of men have a tendency to give less wages for the employees when he has a son. The reason is, because of the responsibilities currently have a son that required him to care more about problems at home than in the office. But when the leader has a daughter, she would be more "generous" . The good news, he will change and willing to share the task of doing homework when he changed jobs (the majority dominated by women) such as nurses and teachers.

Do not resign for this reason!

Do not resign for this reason!

If you always complain about your work and intend to resign, think again after you reading this article. Because if one of the reasons you resign under this, it should hold that intention. Resigned not always be the answer to all your problems.

Dislike Your Boss or Colleagues
If you decide to rush to resign simply because it does not like your boss or co-workers, then the fault is in yourself. It just shows that you are not mature enough to deal with other people's different perspectives with you. Moreover, wherever you are, chances to meet other people who disagree with you will always exist. Face it!

feel Ignored
Obviously, this will not happen if you do a good job. Because if you do a good job, on time and high initiative, it is definitely going to be loved boss. So, think carefully what is wrong with your work so far. Time to change it to be the best and instead of resigning.

feeling Used
The boss often give you additional work beyond the job description should be? Well, do not be prejudiced before. Take this for your learning media. The more stuff you do, the more things that can also be studied to develop themselves, is not it?

Not Fun Working Environment
Come on, dear. Is the work environment to be the only reason for you to work in a place? Try back in time you receive your current job. Looking for work experience and build networking are two things that you must prioritize the work and do not make the work environment as a priority. Consider it a pleasant working environment is a bonus.

Scientists find way to Erase Memories

Scientists find way to Erase Memories

During the erase memories existed only in science fiction movies. However, scientists have found a way to eliminate the memory and restore it as easy as turning on the lights.

The discovery has been in trials on mice it is claimed will be the answer to all human anxiety. Those with phobias, army war trauma, to patients with dementia, can be cured.

how does it work? Similar objects used in the Will Smith movie Men In Black to erase the human short-term memory, memory fiddling this time also use a flash of light.

Researchers from the University of California found, stimulates nerves in the brain with optical lasers can erase the memory. In theory, because the brain makes memories formed neuronal relationship.

Weakened or strengthened connections - called synapses - can remove or form a memory. Research conducted on the nerves in the brain of mice that had been modified so that the light sensitive.

Researchers use optical lasers at specific frequencies, and at the same time giving an electric shock to the feet of mice. Soon, laser optical mice to associate stimuli with pain.

As a result, each given the same stimuli, mice showing expression of pain. Then the researchers do otherwise. Low-frequency optical laser was applied to remove the memory.

Again, the study successfully. Pain memory has been erased from the brains of mice. When fed a high-frequency blast again, memory back pain appears. Though no longer stimulated rat foot electric current.

"We formed a memory, erase, and re-enable it at will by applying a stimulus to strengthen or weaken synapses," said Roberto Malinow, professor of neuroscience.

According to him, a new breakthrough that could help people with Alzheimer's. Therefore, he found that Alzheimer's patients drugs weaken synapses in the same way as research.

While Thomas Insel, Director of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health judging, the finding could explain how memory plays a role in the disappearance of emotional memories mental illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder.