
Senin, 02 Juni 2014

How to Easily Create a Passionate Woman Through Food

How to Easily Create a Passionate Woman Through Food

Passionate man need not elaborate effort to be blown up , but on the contrary , women need to passionately intense stimulus . Really? Oh forget all that hassle ! Many easy ways to make you and all women in the world is excited by means of Cosmo . Yup , through food !

The red contains arginine . In other words , while you enjoy a slice of fresh watermelon in a number of quite a lot , the effect will be similar to the libido -enhancing drug ! The content of citrulline can trigger production of a compound that helps relax blood vessels . This magical substance that will react with the enzymes of the body and converted into arginine , an amino acid that nourish the heart , blood circulation system , and immune system.

A Grande Latte
After measuring the level of single women arousal when looking at various pictures of men kissing different scents , it turns out researchers at the International Laboratory MindLab in Sussex finding : The rate that is considered the highest attractiveness for women when the scent of aftershave , followed in second place with a new coffee powder brewed . Wow ! That is just fragrant coffee alone , dear ! A cup of coffee after your romantic dinner will increase the energy and desire to make love too , you know.

Sweat Tease
When looking at the him sweats after exercise and the body began to smell exuded a natural , you will definitely feel the tingling all over. In fact , if you admit it was definitely happy wearing a regular shirt he was wearing ( although oversized ) , in your body .

Spicy Food
Spicy foods are typically composed of chili and turmeric can make your libido rise . This is due to the component of capsicum in it works as a vasodilator that relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow all that matters. Even for him , red chili powder can make erection longer , stronger ejaculation , and orgasm intensified .

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