
Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Life style Magazine : Shopping haven for the Most Interesting Man in the World

Life style Magazine : Shopping haven for the Most Interesting Man in the World

Who says only women are pampered with a variety of interesting boutiques and luxury? Men too. In some countries, there are shopping clothes which are considered the coolest guy in the world

1 . Free International Laboratory, Tokyo
Free International Laboratory (FIL) is a men's clothing shopping destinations that can be found in
Free International Laboratory, Tokyo
Tokyo. In accordance with the vision of Hiroki Nakamura, showroom dubbed as 'laboratories'  are palette dominated by white and gray. The store was designed by Adrian Gaut (the designer who also designed the Barclays Center). Here you can buy clothes from the brand Visvim.

Atelier , New York
2 . Atelier , New York
This is one shopping place located in Hudson St. in Manhattan. The entire office was designed with
monochrome shades. Not only the store alone, a wide collection of clothing sold was versatile monochrome.

Thom Browne, Tokyo
3 . Thom Browne, Tokyo
Beginning in 2013, American designer boutiques, Thom Browne has been opened in Aoyama, Tokyo. Comes with three floors, showroom also designed with monochrome shades that look exclusive and elegant.

Frasi, Florence

4 . Frasi, Florence
Unlike other boutiques that look great and seem luxurious , boutique Frasi is smaller and designed with wooden ornaments. The tiny shop is located in Florence 's Via Dei Federeghi. Although the shop is small, but the quality of the product is very good and quite expensive.

Billy Reid, Florence, Alabama
5 . Billy Reid, Florence, Alabama
In 2012 , Billy Reid won the award for ' Menswear Designer of the Year ' . These outlets are designed homie so it feels comfortable . The service is also very friendly

6 . Dunhill Homes, London
This outlet was opened in 2007. , Where there is also a barbershop and a cafe. If you browse the 2nd
Dunhill Homes, London
floor, you can buy a wide range of men's clothing from leading brands. You can also find a variety of products made of leather. In fact, spas and nightclubs are here too.

Senin, 26 Mei 2014

7 activities It is recognized the Dehydration Triggers

7 activities It is recognized the Dehydration Triggers

Approximately 60 percent of the body is water. Research University of Connecticut calls, lost 1.5 percent is already felt. Mood, energy levels and decreased cognitive function.

Dehydration or lack of body fluid can result from a variety of activities. During this time, the cause of most considered plausible is the sun, exercise, and less consumption of mineral water.

However it turns out, there are still many things that can cause dehydration. Quoting Time, following at least seven conditions and activities that could actually result in less body fluid.

Robert Kominiarek, physician of Ohio explained, when blood sugar levels are too high the body will get rid of it through urine. It can cause the body to dehydrate.

Hormones estrogen and progesterone affect the water content in the body. That is why the need to consume more water during menstruation. Drained of blood can also cause dehydration.

Pressure makes the adrenal glands pump out stress hormones and triggers. If persistent, can someone adrenal insufficiency. In fact, it is important to produce adrenal hormone aldosterone.
That hormone that regulates the body's water content and electrolytes. Production of aldosterone which dims mean body water content chaotic. From happening, keep the mind so as not easily stressed.

Abdominal bloating during pregnancy indicates the body's efforts offset dehydration. Pregnant makes the volume of blood pumped by the heart increases. As a result, water demand increased, too.
Morning sickness or vomiting also make less body fluid .

Along with increasing age, the body's ability to store water and feel thirsty decreased. So people do not know when the body needs water. When realized, he already dehydrated.

Drinking bottles of alcohol will not make the body hydrated. The drink was actually inhibits antidiuretic hormone. Fluid should be sent back to the body, all released through urine.

Activity this one sends a clear liquid into the baby 's mother. Displacement that includes electrolytes, proteins, minerals and some other elements that the body needs. As a result, the water content was decreased.

Ladies, Recognize Signs and How to Overcome Infection Intimate Organ

Ladies, Recognize Signs and How to Overcome Infection Intimate Organ

Woman would be obliged to notice the cleanliness and health of sex organs. Body parts that are susceptible to fungal infections. Ironically, many women are not aware of the central infected.

Compared to seven years ago, the female sex organs infections increased 15 percent. Though the symptoms are easy to understand: the sex organs burning feeling, swelling, and itching painful.

Citing reports Insight Clinical Medicine : Women's Health, the infection causes a heightened sex organs now it was not lack of hygiene. Rather, the use of chemical-based products.

Than half the cases of infection, the cause is a chemical from medicinal creams, detergent intimate areas, lubricants, spermicides, contraceptive devices, hygiene products, as well as skin dye.

Not many women know, the sex organs and vulva channel rich in blood vessels and mucous membranes. Parts of it can absorb chemicals is higher than other parts of the skin.

Researchers at Procter and Gamble Feminine, Miranda Farage, adding, at the skin it can be more sensitive when subjected to waxing and shaving routine. The protective layer of skin thinning.

"The habit of waxing and using lubricants stress can make your skin vulnerable to infection", said Farage.

He suggested, if the sex organs had red, swollen and itchy to immediately consult a gynecologist. Unbearable pain can be relieved temporarily compress cloth soaked in cold water.

Farage added, rubbing olive oil or petroleum jelly around the sex organs can also help. Antihistamines such as Claritin or Benadryl to relieve pain even nutritious.

Most importantly, change the habit of using beauty products and perfumed hygiene. The use of douches and propylene glycol can also increase the risk of allergies in sensitive skin.

Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Life style : Powerful Tips : divorce Without Hurt

Life style : Powerful Tips : divorce Without Hurt

Ending a relationship that has existed for years is difficult. However, sometimes parting be best answer for all existing conflicts and incompatibility.
Breakup is not possible without a reason. If you've been with him could not, express it. However, do not let it make emotion. One said, could worsen relations.

Quoted from Boldsky, here's how to end a relationship without hurting each other.

There is no other way
If you want to end a relationship without hurting him, try to give the notion that separation is the best way for you both. Be honest, you're not going to bring together everywhere.

Understanding the reasons for their own
Find the most appropriate reason to end the relationship. To be sure, the reason should be clear and not making it up. That way, he will not be suspicious and offended, let alone hurt.

Do not blame each other
If indeed a relationship has to end, do not blame each other. Suppose a long romance that a journey of life that had to be bypassed . Exaggerated so as not to hurt her.

Think of the experience
Behind the failure of the relationship, each has a role. If you have to split up after a long trip, you should take it as an experience and still consider it the best partner.

Avoid the word "but" and "possible"
Chat about parting was awkward. But, as much as possible you should avoid the word "but" and "probably" because it will make the conversation more painful.

Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Life style : Is Sex Orgasm danger for Pregnancy?

Life style : Is Sex Orgasm danger for Pregnancy?

Bercinta saat hamil terkadang menimbulkan kekhawatiran dan banyak pertanyaan soal apa yang boleh dan tidak boleh. Termasuk mengenai apakah jika saat bercinta mencapai orgasme, mungkinkah hal itu bisa membahayakan?

mencapai orgasme saat bercinta di kala hamil pada dasarnya bukanlah hal yang membahayakan. Kecuali Anda sudah diminta dokter untuk menghindari orgasme, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak mendapatkannya.

kehamilan membawa keuntungan tersendiri untuk wanita saat bercinta. karena Orgasme yang terjadi bisa terasa lebih intens, sering dan mudah didapatkan.

Orgasme bisa jadi lebih nikmat saat hamil karena adanya peningkatan aliran darah ke area intim. Wanita hamil juga memproduksi lebih banyak hormon tertentu seperti oksitosin, yang bisa membuat orgasme menjadi lebih intens.

Yang selama ini dikhawatirkan pasangan ketika wanita hamil mencapai orgasme saat bercinta adalah hal tersebut dapat memicu terjadinya kelahiran prematur. Kekhawatiran tersebut tidak selalu benar.

terkadang wanita memang bisa merasakan kontraksi saat orgasme. Kontraksi ini tidak selalu menjadi tanda Anda sudah akan melahirkan. Kontraksi ini hanya berlangsung sebentar dan tidak perlu dikhawatirkan. Kontraksi ini tidak sama dengan kontraksi melahirkan yang datangnya sering dan intens seiring proses kelahiran berjalan.

kontraksi saat orgasme pada dasarnya tidak membahayakan keculi memang dokter mengatakan kehamilan tersebut berisiko tinggi atau memiliki sejarah melahirkan prematur. Namun jika setelahnya timbul rasa kram, Anda sebaiknya mengkonsultasikannya pada dokter untuk mengetahui apakah kram tersebut membahayakan atau tidak. Demikian juga jika kontraksi yang muncul setelah orgasme terus berlangsung dalam waktu lama, lebih dari satu jam, sebaiknya hubungi dokter kandungan kepercayaan Anda.

Life style : 4 Ways to Face Tops Missing Can Trust

Life style : 4 Ways to Face Tops Missing Can Trust

Generally, a superior is a highly trusted and valued his opinion. But what if the boss turns out to be reliable should the omongannya can not be held and love to lie? Firstly if it concerns business issues involving the law. As subordinates should follow the commands, you already have a quandary how to behave. Where do you find the top really should be trusted less busy not just talk about it with colleagues . This four coping collected from the BBC site :

1 . Avoid Direct Confrontation
To avoid antagonize your boss, this should not be discussed directly. Despite a pesonal You both are close enough, it is still the business concerns to be resolved in a professional manner.

2 . Declare Management
If this is the attitude of the boss is late and dangerous enterprise, it is advisable immediately to discuss a solution to the management. They are the right person to address such matters. Make sure also, someone who will represent and speak to senior management will not mention that you are pelapornya. Because it can put you in an unpleasant position.

3 . Invite a Colleague
Before reporting to 's management, it is best to call and colleagues alike to report it. That way, your argument about the top so more ridiculous and unbelievable. You will also not be the only employees who will be blamed or opposed the boss when he already knew that he reported.

4 . Think The risk
Actually good report or not, both are equally an effect. Think carefully, what to tell the boss attitude will influence the credibility and your career path. If it is established to be reported, there is nothing wrong you start looking for career suggestions if the worst scenario requires only to leave the job.